Tag Archive: Love this!


Cycling found links Love this!

Timber bicycle

Really like this!

Sean Denham and Renovo’s hi-tech wood frame bicycles – Core77: “You can’t get much greener than Portland-based Renovo Hardwood Bicycles’ R4 Pursuit, made from two CNC’d halves of wood bonded together lengthwise (yielding a hollow core).”



Love this! Music

Steppin’ out

I love all sorts of music but I’m always amazed at how amazing this track is. That bass line and backing riff is unbeatable! Apparently incredibly hard to mix if you’re a DJ but who cares. One of my all time favourite tunes. Just saying that phrase reminds me of Jack Black in High Fidelity. Love that film too.


found links Love this! Photography

Appollo 11 – the moon landings

I found this link earlier to a series of photos showing the Apollo 11 moon landing. Breath taking photos, some of which I’ve seen before but some not. The candid ones are great!

They took a Hasselblad there to shoot these.. One of those is a long way down my list past the D300…


One thousand portraits

Stumbled over this set of images on Flickr earlier. A brilliant idea and all shot with film too. Some of the colours are cracking. The portraits are just great. Must have taken a long time and a lot of confidence to go out and get all these! A summary of the project from the Flickr stream below…

Our project is a true portrait of Britain created by photographing 1,000 people.
We stopped everyone who crossed our path on the streets of London, excluding nobody, asking the same question more than fifteen hundred times.
In a moment where recession is the main subject of every discussion, it was striking to come across such positive attitude.
This is the true face of Britain.

, originally uploaded by Fabulous Muscles.


Film found links Love this! Viral Web

1000 frames per second

Incredible! The jelly at the end is the best.

I-Movix SprintCam v3 NAB 2009 showreel from David Coiffier on Vimeo.


Cycling Love this! Photography

Pump track

Back at the end of 2008 I made a list of some of the things I wanted to ride in 2009. One of which was to ride a pump track.

A pump track is kind of like a mini 4x track which returns on itself in a loop. The idea is to keep speed and avoid pedalling over the obstacles and to perfect your technique until the whole track is dialled. It also helps to stay off the brakes to keep the speed up.

David heading in to the berm.

Dom has been building a secret spot since he took some time off work. Fortunately there’s plenty of free dirt nearby and is only a short walk from his house. I fancied a bit of a break from study so headed down there yesterday with Matt and Graham.

First few goes were great fun but it takes a while to get in to it. The XC knobbly tyres I had on made hard work of it all but by the end of the day I was starting to get the hang of it.

Day 149 of 365
Graham hanging out in the berm.

Of course this was the perfect opportunity to take some pictures! I ended up taking the full camera bag just to play around. I ended up needing the flash in the woods as there was just not enough light to illuminate their faces. I popped a single flash in to most of the pics and also used the umbrella to diffuse the light a bit.

Pump track
Matt over the first roller and heading towards the double.

Matt, from up high
Matt popping out of the berm on to the rollers.

So after a long day of ‘pumping’ all that was left to do was repair the berms and rollers and then do an obligatory group shot!

Pump track group shot
Group shot from a tree.

The following morning things feel pretty sore. It’s amazing how much it works your upper body and also how much you have to pump with your legs. The mosquitos in the woods are evil too!

We’ll be back though. Full set of pictures here.


Art Blogs found links Love this! Viral Web