VW Star Wars ad
Been meaning to post this for a while as it’s been doing the rounds on the net. Something incredible about this. Watch it and then watch the behind the scenes cut after.
Been meaning to post this for a while as it’s been doing the rounds on the net. Something incredible about this. Watch it and then watch the behind the scenes cut after.
Beautiful little video showing the making of hand built mountain bike frame.
FROM STEEL: The Making of a Soulcraft from michael evans on Vimeo.
Via @lambluvva
So the East Coast of the US has gotten some serious snow last night. Someone knew it was on the way and set a quick timelapse in his garden. Seriously impressive stuff, the timelapse and the snow!
December 2010 Blizzard Timelapse. Canon DLSR on tripod with remote timer taking a photo once every five minutes.
Approximately 20 hours in 40 seconds.
via @charlesarthur
Like seeing your life flashing before your eyes. Link to http://pummelvision.com/ (where you can create your own) Via @vaughan
Whilst browsing Flickr late last night, being nosey, going from contact to contact, looking at who was friends with who and exploring favourites, I found a set of photos by Alex Bamford. He has a set of night photos taken just under moonlight which are pretty impressive. It Takes a big level of commitment to go out late at night and get these. Most are 30mins plus exposure times which again is pretty impressive. A few of my favourites below. Some also have a series of glow sticks going through the images which are good fun too.
A quick link to an amazing series of portraits by Brian David Stevens shot on remembrance Sunday yesterday. I really like these. Such incredible feeling and texture behind these images.
I saw this great video via Twitter. It’s of a friends, friend called Angus who run’s a great practice called Dematos Ryan. Unusually for an Architect’s practice they seem to be quite savvy with the whole new media thing and this is one of their latest outputs. There’s something really quite beautiful about the whole video!
Worth watching a second time.