Tag Archive: Cycling



Cycling = happiness

A simple but effective flow chart from Orange.


Cycling Family & friends I want a dog

Cambridge, dog, carvery, cycling

Managed to get a second quick ride in this Sunday, again with the dog in Cambridge along the same Roman road as the day before. Has a superb carvery lunch before so felt the need to burn some of it off. This time I took the Brompton for a bit of fun and gave snoopy a good run out. I think it knackered him out poor thing. Took a proper camera this time and was treated to a beautiful afternoon of sunshine.

Country BromptonLockHappyTrotLots of flat nothingnessMany bikes

And here’s snoopy running along smiling.



Back on to wheels again

They say you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone which if the last three or so weeks is anything to go by is entirely true. After throughly smashing myself up on the mountainbike I’ve been off the bike trying to sort my back and neck out. Unfortunately this involved no cycling (or any other exercise) whatsoever for that duration which has been driving me crazy. Getting the bus to work has been a pain at best especially after I was starting to get quite fit commuting and riding at the weekends. My social media use saw a dramatic uptick in use which is no good thing. Bored on the bus and refreshing Twitter and Instagram constantly and taking pics of anything vaguely interesting seemed to be a regular occurrence.

After a week and a bit of pain it was fairly clear that it wasn’t going to clear up with the usual bath-ibuprofen-rest trick. Off to the osteopath we went and after three sessions I’ve finally got full movement back. I no longer walk like a stiff old man who can’t look around without moving his body. Having never been to an osteopath before it was a fairly interesting experience, especially having my back cracked into place. The first time involved an enormous yelp of pain and a loud expletive. After that things seemed to get better and I was finally allowed back on my bike this weekend.

IMG 4095

I started off with the Brompton on the way to work on Friday and then added the hipster riser bars to the fixed on Sat before heading up to Cambridge to see Emma’s mum.

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I quickly grabbed snoopy when we arrived and headed out to a local route I know. It turns out to be an ancient Roman road so we did that for a bit, explored, took some photos and came back. Not a fast paced ride, not crazy but so so good to be spinning the legs on two wheels again.

IMG 4101



…it’s exactly the right pace for a human to travel.

I was sent this beautiful quote from my client at work today. Quite simply the best definition of cycling I’ve ever read I think. I’m buying the book for sure. Somehow it manages to describe the joy in all the riding I do, from commuting to mountain biking.

It makes previously unknown districts more accessible and familiar ones more difficult. It reinvents familiar geography, opens up towpaths or riverbanks or favoured rat runs across town. It offers the little tremor of happiness from bending urban by-laws back to suit the individual, and the constant delight in going straight to the front of the queue. It allows one to feel smooth and charged and graceful in a world full of blocks and obstructions. It has the peculiar attraction of being healthy, dirty and risky all at once. It offers the interesting discovery that getting to and from work need not mean the abandonment of sanity. It can be companionable or solitary, competitive or amicable. And, like the horse or the sailboat, it feels somehow as if it’s exactly the right pace for a human to travel.

The Bicycle Book’ by Bella Bathurst.

I can’t wait to get back on mine that’s for sure. Just as soon as this back heals up.


Cycling Family & friends

Afan with Dad

After stacking it the previous day I managed to get myself out of bed and on the road to Afan with Dad. We set of a bit later than planned so hit all that traffic heading down to the South West on the M5 but finally made it to Afan and headed out on the start of Whites Level. Dad’s bike had a few issues on the way round so we made a few tweaks including re-joining an exploded chain. I had pumped myself full of ibuprofen which meant that it wasn’t actually that bad, not as fast or fluid perhaps but still enjoyable. I knew the trail well so knew what was coming, or so I thought.

View from the topTop of the trail before the first descent.

There was a trail closure in place at the end of the Energy Trail which sent you straight back to the top of the original climb and then past to the final descent of Skyline. Less than ideal really as it’s the rockier of the two descents.

DescentDad on the skyline descent.

Gotta say that I really didn’t enjoy it with a stiff neck. Dad also managed a slow plop over the bars at one point. Anyway, by the time we got to the cafe that was all forgotten. Nice day out really. A lot of climbing and sad to see on his trip computer that it was only 12 or so miles. Good day out and hopefully back soon but in better condition. Great to still be able to get out with Dad on the bike too considering he’s in his 60s!

Re-hydratingJust rewards.

BikesHis and his.


Cycling Family & friends


Been a while since I’ve fallen off my bike properly but managed to come a cropper on Friday at Llandegla. There’s a ladder/shore section on a short section of trail about half way round – I normally slow right down and gently roll it. This time I thought I would just try and pop the wheel a bit and clear the tiny little drop and be a bit clever. I overcooked it and I think I landed it nose first, blew through all the travel on my forks and smacked the right hand side into the gravel. It took the wind right out of me and I really hurt my neck in the process. There’s a fairly large lump out of the back of my helmet too which I’m glad was there to take the hit.

Fortunately I was doing a time-lapse of the trail so managed to catch the moments in between being up on the trail and being the wrong way round.


I was glad to be riding with Gav who managed to scrape me off the trail and get me going again. Here’s the section of the time-lapse. Was down for quite a while getting my breath back by the looks of it.

Needless to say I took the rest of the trail pretty gently which was a real shame having driven all that way. Fingers crossed my neck heals up soon as it’s be great to get out on the bike again.


Cycling London Work

Timelapse commute – Peckham, Camden, Peckham

I’ve been having a bit of a play with time-lapse this week on my commute. Always thought that video would just be too boring so instead I went with 1 shot every second and have stitched them all together after into a movie.

The GoPro seems to struggle a bit with the changing light conditions – from light to dark etc and often overexposes. Still the effect is there. Might try one looking back at the cyclists and traffic behind me next time. The one coming home is a bit trippy due to the blurred lights.


And back again…



Sunday Surrey Hills with Matt

Really getting back into this whole riding thing. After a day in the office catching up with some bits and bobs yesterday I dragged myself out of bed for a spin round Winterfold and Pitch Hills with Mr Noble today. Nothing too crazy to write home about although we did manage to retrace our steps from last week and remember some great trails. Managed a fairly decent pace and the trails seemed to be in perfect condition this weekend. The sloppy section at the bottom of the forest trail still provided ample entertainment after it had been churned up by forestry vehicles.

Had some tea and cake and did a quick run down Barry’s before heading back to the van. Popped the GoPro on for a bit but not sure the helmet is the best spot. Gotta be the bars or the gimpy chest mount I reckon.

No riding next weekend due to deadlines but heading up to Wales the following weekend with Dad.

Barry Knows BestMatt berm


Cycling Love this! Photography

Coed-Y-Brenin on a Bronica

Not ridden on one obviously but shot rather nicely by Andy Waterman with film for Privateer Magazine. Very nice indeed. Must go there again soon. The rest of the set can be found over on his Flickr page.

Coed y Brenin, Privateer Magazine shoot

Coed y Brenin, Privateer Magazine shoot

Coed y Brenin, Privateer Magazine shoot

Coed y Brenin, Privateer Magazine shoot

Coed y Brenin, Privateer Magazine shoot

Coed y Brenin, Privateer Magazine shoot

All images © Andy Waterman



Double riding weekend

Great to be able get two days riding in last weekend. I really didn’t feel like riding on Sat due to a little bit of a hangover but we pressed on and drove over to Richmond Park collecting Emma’s cousin on the way. Emma hadn’t been on her bike for a while so she stuck to some of the lower paths whilst Jane and I went around for a few laps before meeting back at the van.

Emma seemed to have a good time and saw a few deer as you might expect, and this one being close enough for a picture.

Having been on and off the bus during the week due to meetings it was great to get a few miles in and stretch the legs. Also so nice to be riding without a rucksack or any kit. All I took was the van key and a phone figuring it wouldn’t be too far to walk if it all went wrong. Emma was fairly impressed with the park and I think we’ll pop back for a walk there when we have Gina to stay again. So glad we got out as it cleared the hangover nicely.

Sunday I headed out to Swinley, collecting two friends from work in Camden on the way. The roads seemed to be completely empty so didn’t take long to get there. The trails were in superb condition with just enough moisture in the soil to hold it all together but not enough that it was a total UK slop and grime-fest.


We spent quite a bit of time at the jump gulley. Confidence was at an all time high by the end so thought it best to move on before I came a cropper. We also had a bit of a play with Darren’s GoPro which I think has provided some good footage from mounting it on the bars with me riding down the gulley.

Hard to look good with a camera on your chest

After walking back up one of the trails Darren and I came round the corner to see a woman getting kicked up waaaay too high on a small table which then sent her nose diving into the gravel in front. She didn’t have time to put her hands out and took the full force on her head and shoulders. Unfortunately she wasn’t wearing a helmet and I found her with her eyes rolling around in her head gurgling. Terrifying to see. After keeping her entirely still and trying to work out if she had damaged her spine she got up and moved off the trail. She was heavily concussed and took a few moments to come round. She was talking complete gibberish for a while too. Once it became clear she was ok, off the trail and with friends, we moved on.

Our appetite for riding was somewhat lost after seeing this so followed the trails back to the jump gulley and then back to the centre for much needed cake!


And also a quick timelapse of us packing the van by Darren. The lady in the next car knocked on our window to say we had left our toolbox with camera on.

Hoping to squeeze another ride in next weekend.