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Who do we think we are?

I like Quora and have lost many hours going through the answers people post on there to seemingly random subjects. A lot of it is people too lazy to Google something but there’s some incredible answers from people’s experiences or memory. The digest they send out seems to always have a great juicy post I want to read whether on tech, arts, aviation or some other random subject it’s always pretty good. This one really caught my eye today though entitled “Why are we different when we are alone and when we have people around us?“. I love the answer.

In 1974 I wrote down what my college professor (Mr. Alexander) told me in class:

“I am not what you think I am. I am not what I think I am. I am what I think you think I am.”

and goes on to say

Many of us unconsciously try to fit in to the social group we are with in the moment. We do not stop being ourselves, but we assume the best attributes for that situation with that group.

Fairly obvious stuff when you think about it but nice to see such a concise way of putting it.