I’m in Kick Ass 2
Well kind of.
I never made it through casting but fortunately my avatar I use online did. This was drawn a while back by the super talented Meg Jones when she sat next to me at work. Unfortunately (for us) she decided to pursue a career in film and television instead of Architecture where she’s been working on The Hour, Kick Ass 2, The Muppets to name a few. The icon has been pretty successful and I use it everywhere online. It’s so good that people recognise me in real life from it, which is always amusing.
So Meg used this icon to create a poster for some of the shots in Kick Ass 2 and she sent me this preview ages ago. The poster is meant to be an ad for my new album. I love music but am terrible at playing it which makes this even more amusing as well as it being like some awful Jack Johnson kind of album.
I’d totally forgotten about it until this morning when Jamie Wieck started asking me about my avatar and where I’d got it from. He then posted a screenshot from the trailer after we’d established it wasn’t just off some website somewhere.

So yeah I’m pretty thrilled to be taking a starring role in the new film. It’s at 52 seconds in if you’re interested. Looks like a fun film too. Thanks Meg!
Edit: Looks like that video has been taken offline. Maybe the trailer was a little premature.