
Architecture Photography Video

Architectural photography with movement..

…or video as some people might call it.

A conversation yesterday with Jim reminded me of this video by Tim Crocker which still completely blows me away with it’s quality, composition and the new ideas that are shown in it – it’s two years old and still seems fresh.

A lot of video of Architecture seems to be fairly poorly produced with utlra wide shots, lots of third point of perspective and wonky buildings, too many pans, dolly shots, focus pulls etc – all of which distract from the narrative surrounding the Architecture in my opinion. Essentially there seems to be a lack of subtlety which most successful Architectural photography creates. In this video a series of frames are created which would be powerful architectural shots alone, but then the frames come alive with movement from the people and the play of light on the buildings and trees in the frame. The Architecture then seems to form the backdrop to the life contained within, having created a pleasant public space for this activity to take place.

It appears that Pedro Kok is also fairly handy with Architectural video – tip of the hat to Dave Morris for the link.