

The office of the future

Erik Spiekermann on the ideal office in terms of layout, which he sketches out so beautifully. He comes at it from the idea of a design studio but could equally apply to many other types of office or creative spaces. Highly convincing as a diagram as well as capturing the human traits of designers and office workers with the aim of trying to get them to communicate more – he’s pretty entertaining too.

A bit more about Spiekermann. From creative.arte.tv

Erik Spiekermann is one of the most known designer and typographer. After leaving university without a degree (in art history), he worked for different design offices in London and finally started his own design agency Metadesign in Berlin with Florian Fischer and Dieter Heil. Together with offices in London, San Franzisco and Zurich, Metadesign was responsible for Adobe, Apple, Audi and Volkswagen, as well as for the Berlin Transport Services BVG, and for the corporate identiy of the capital city. In 1990 Spiekermann founded together with his wife Joan and the British designer Neville Brody, the Fontfoundry Fontshop International. He established the FontFont Bibliothek Spiekermann where he published the well known fonts FF Meta, FF Unit, FF Info as well as many others. In 2000 Spiekermann left Metadesign and is today responsible for Bosch, Otto Bock and the ZDF with his office EdenSpiekermann in Berlin and Amsterdam. For From Sketch Erik Spiekermann draws his concept of a perfect communicative office.

via Lawrence