
Cycling London

Bikes take less space than cars

Not such a shocking revelation when you think about it but great to see a picture from London illustrate this so succinctly. Still want a Bullit Cargo bike as pictured in the image. Just think how many cars would be needed to for that many people!

#bikeboom pic negates almost every wonky stereotype about people who ride bikes in LondonImage © Carlton Reid.

#bikeboom pic negates almost every wonky stereotype about people who ride bikes in London

27 folks on bikes: some in helmets, most not; some in hi-vis, most not; some on fixies, most not. None on the pavement, none going through the red light. Two ‘cycle chic’ women; otherwise mostly men, but not one in Lycra. A pair of sandals but not worn by the only hippie. Perhaps oddly there’s not one folding bike to be seen, and no Boris bikes either. (And why is cycling so white?)

Along with this is the fantastic image from 1991 commissioned by Münster City Planning Department (interestingly my sister was born here) which has done the rounds again. They showed three images which showed the space required to transport 72 people by various modes of transport. The image speaks for itself really.
