
Art Photography

The Last Stand

Another link to some rather nice work I’ve found via the wonderful medium of Twitter – it’s so good I’ve definitely had one of those “I wish I’d thought of that” moments with it. It’s a beautiful body of work which is part way through and is seeking funding to complete. Marc describes the work as follows:

“Those decaying vestiges of life-and-death human struggle — falling monuments to bellicosity — have a curious attraction to them. The paradoxes are rich. They once showcased unbridled strength and had the prowess to intimidate as they repelled intruders by unrelenting force. This was human power in its rawest form. Now these feeble structures derive their power from something else. With their guns and posts silent, they stand to testify that all things perish. No act of human defiance can possibly win the greatest of all battles of attrition, that of time…It is vitally important historical work.”

A number of the shots remind me of walking around the local area I grew up in near Bath exploring the old pill boxes, caves and old airfields used during the war – all of which are crumbling and being over taken by nature.

I’m going to buy a print and the book to help contribute – so should you! The thing that really swung it for me was seeing the video below where Marc explains the process and research that has gone into the project.

Edit: I’ve made my contribution to the project with some birthday money. Can’t wait to get my final print!