Instagram Addict
Over the last few weeks I’ve become totally addicted to the latest photo sharing app – Instagram. I love the simplicity of it and the basic, but good, social features of it. It’s far from high quality stuff but as a famous photographer once said “The best camera is the one that’s with you“. Whilst that quote also came with an App (BestCam), it didn’t really take off as well as this one has. I think this was mainly due to it being too complicated by adding so many different filters to each image. This is far simpler, shoot, choose the look, share. Certainly no replacement for that big bag of expensive camera kit but great fun regardless.
I’ve been sharing them on Twitter and Facebook whilst avoiding uploading them to Flickr at all. So instead I’ve put together a quick Tumblr page where I’m going to collect them all.
Edit: Turns out (see comments and thanks to whatsinyourbedroom) that some clever web developer already thought of this idea, creating a site called Might be a better idea to use this seeing as Tumblr’s uptime is so poor