No working for free
I found this little video on Twitter earlier from a variety of sources. It’s something I’ve been meaning to blog about for a while since developing and now selling my photographic services, but this video seems to sum it all up quite nicely. It’s amazing that people don’t seem to value the skills that you develop as a Photographer. There’s a comment that gets banded about when someone says “Wow, that camera takes amazing photos”, which is odd as you’d never say to a chef “wow that oven bakes amazing cakes”. But the other thing that also seems to wind me up is that so many people have DSLR that people think that anyone can take a good photo and to some extent that might be true. However I seem to have gone off on a bit of a tangent. This video sums up so many things about a relationship with a client, fortunately mine don’t seem to have this attitude but I’ve seen this type of thing many a time.