
Architecture Photography

Long time no see

Things have been rather busy recently which is why I haven’t managed to write more than a few words here. I’ve had a few deadlines at work and also been busy with photography both for the office and myself. This weekend was crazy busy and it went something a little like this.

10am meet new client to discuss shoot for an article in the Architects Journal. Then rush home, shower, get into suit and head up to Marlybone.
2pm watch Matt & Anna get married then drink and eat until 2am.

10am arrive in Kentish town (hungover) to help Nick & Zoe in the garden. Carefully dismantle a rotting shed so that someone can come and pick it up and salvage it. A few trips to the dump also. Then late afternoon do shoot of their new flat upstairs for their Gumtree listing.

8.30am train from Euston. A full days shoot of a completed building for the office. Back for an office BBQ at 7, more drinks then back home.

8.09am train from Waterloo down South to shoot a project for some friends. Spend all day there and stay for dusk shots. Back to the flat at 11pm.

9.30am train from Waterloo down to Guildford to shoot a construction project for an article coming up in one of the journals. Back to the office for the afternoon.

So pretty mental all in all really. Each evening involved getting back to the flat downloading CF cards, backing up images to another drive, charging camera batteries and getting ready for the next day. A lot of early starts and no lie in on a Sat certainly took it’s toll. Having said that it was definitely worth it. Bagged some great images and worked for 3 different new clients. Will be investing in some more kit I think.

A few of the images are below. I can’t publish quite a few of them at present but might update this in the future.

Art School
