
365 Photography

365/2009 – The Book

I’ve just put the final touches to my book showing all the 365 photos from the project. The 700mb PDF file might take a while to upload to Blurb, the online shop that does the printing. Fortunately I have been full of cold and cough since Christmas day I’ve had plenty of time to tinker with it especially the cover as you can see below.

365 Book Cover

Blurb do a number of different sizes but I’ve gone for the “Standard Landscape” size which is 10″ x 8″. It’s a hardback book and the cover image gets printed on the card. I’ve read lots of reviews and the quality seems to be pretty good. I think it’ll work out at about £40 for the book which I think is pretty good for a book with almost 400 pages.

The layout is pretty simple. Just full bleed images and the number of the day as per below. I’m not sure if anyone else will buy a copy but who cares. It’ll be good to have a physical reminder of the year.
